- Fresh Flowers
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- Valentine's Day Bouquet
Valentine's Day Bouquet
simple + beautiful // a carefully curated bouquet of fresh flowers wrapped pretty in paper and ribbon. <3 Best of all, bouquets will feature Michigan-grown blooms! Yes, you read that correctly, flowers grown right here in our snowy state in February!
Photos are examples only and bouquets will vary in flower variety and exact colors based on market availability. Valentine's Bouquets will include seasonally available flowers in moody or soft pinks, whites, reds, and lavenders.
Valentine's Bouquets will be available for pickup or local hand-delivery 2/13 and 2/14. Please select your fulfillment method at checkout. Our home studio is located in the city limits of Tecumseh. For hand-delivery, please confirm someone will be able to receive flowers in person - bouquets will not be left on doorsteps. If there is no recipient at delivery, your order will be brought back to our home studio for pickup by 2/15. If not picked up by 2/15, your bouquet order will be donated.